they can overcome everything 中国送往非洲的物资上,写着: 「When people are determined they can overcome everything.」 这句话出自南非已故前总统曼德拉,翻译成中文,可以对应「人心齐,泰山移」,出自中国的「古今贤文」中。 他们共同的意思是:「只要人们的心往一...
尽职尽责做事,但不要沦为事务的奴隶。 10. They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can. 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。 (来源:爱词霸英语沙龙 编辑:刘明)
A) They can attract people’s attention to their reports. B) They can choose from a greater variety of topics. C) They can make themselves better known. D) They can give voice to different views. 58. What is the author’s comment on Krugman’s clai...
Conscious Collection line –Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it ...
They can disrupt experiments with the bacteria organisms they carry. They are bad mice and must be captured and destroyed. Usually, this is accomplished by means of sticky traps, a kind of fly paper on which they become increasingly stuck. But the ...
更多内容请点击:千年同好,坚于金石:中国向境外提供的援助物资上都写了些什么? 推荐文章